The 116th Street Festival in New York City is a grand celebration of Hispanic culture, food, and music. The festival has grown exponentially from its humble beginnings in 1985, covering 20 blocks and featuring three stages of live music performances, community art, and food influenced by the Puerto Rican and Hispanic culture. This year, the festival celebrated its 38th year of existence, and it's expected to attract more than 500,000 guests from around the country, regardless of ethnicity or background.
One of the highlights of the festival is the musical performances, which included the Dowe Twins, also known as Dem Two Dowe Twins. These 14-year-old Bronx twins have been making waves indepenly with their unique style of hip hop that promotes positivity and self-love. Their debut EP, "Perfectly Imperfect," features the popular "Gucci Prada" track, which highlights their love for music and fashion.

Princeton and Brazil Dowe, the Dowe Twins, started making music together at age seven and have been performing at events since they were 11. Princeton is the primary lyricist for the duo, and he writes music with the intention of inspiring others to follow their passions and believe in themselves. The twins are also active members of their community, great students, and advocates for various causes. They plan to launch a brand that promotes self-love and raises funds for organizations, and they hope to collaborate with other artists in the future.
The 116th Street Festival is an event that should not be missed. With its celebration of Hispanic culture, food, and music, it offers a unique opportunity to learn about and embrace the fun-loving Hispanic culture. The festival also features talented artists like the Dowe Twins, who inspire others with their music and positive message.